Winning Reasons to Outsource Your Shipping

Posted on: 14 October 2019

When your stock levels and orders are growing but your physical presence isn't, fulfilling orders becomes tricky. Rather than put a halt to your growth, you should consider other options. Using solutions such as 3PL warehousing, you can outsource your shipping and help your business flourish. If you're exploring this concept, here are some reasons for using such services.

Attracting more customers

If you're currently shipping locally but you want to ship nationally, outsourcing your shipping makes it easier to do so. Similarly, you can move from national shipping to selling in other countries. Fulfilment companies have the network and tools required to broaden your reach. As a result, you can attract more customers and expand your business.

Flexible operating costs

When you're working in a niche where some seasons see more sales than others, it's easy to waste money. Using your own warehouse and the staff that comes with it means you're wasting money in seasons where sales are low. In contrast, those that provide 3PL logistics warehousing services will charge the same amount regardless of your seasonal demands. It's also easier for you to reduce the use of their services when sales are lower. This allows you to take a flexible approach to operating costs.

Improving customer service

When you find the right fulfilment provider, they'll offer customer service that makes your business shine. If your customers have questions about where their items are, they can contact the provider for more information. If you're using a provider that works on an international scale, you may be able to offer customer service experiences in different languages. When your customers enjoy smoother services, they're more likely to order from you again. 

Focusing on sourcing

If you sell products that come from several different providers, you need to take a careful approach to sourcing. Regardless of what industry you work in, your customers expect a high-quality item. The products you source also help you build your brand and produce an excellent reputation. When you're no longer bogged down with managing shipping alone, you have more time to focus on the items you're going to sell.

Reducing shipping costs

Saving money is essential for all business owners. If you're spending a lot on shipping right now, there's a chance that using a third-party provider can change that. As each provider is in the business of shipping, they can do so with lower overheads. By no longer using your own warehouse, staff, and couriers, you save money in more ways than one. Once you start saving money, you can begin investing it elsewhere.


Storing my household

Last year I was offered a really awesome 12-month work secondment in New York, but of course I couldn't take all of my stuff over there as I have a 4 bedroom house here and I sure wasn't able to afford that in New York! I had to go through the process of packing everything up so that I was able to rent a furnished place over there then come back to all of my belongings. This blog is all about how to be an efficient packer and how to store your items properly if you are heading away for a period of time.